#180 - How Can We Help?

10 ways to help during the Coronavirus (COVID-19 Quarantine Edition)

1 - Donate money to charities, especially smaller ones without as many corporate sponsors

2 - Contact local charities* to volunteer (blood, food and supply shortages) - virtual volunteering

3 - Be mindful of how much you buy - there are others out there that might need it more

4 - Seek out seniors that you can deliver food to

5 - Buy takeout/delivery or gift cards from local bars and restaurants

6 - Check-in on people you know like neighbors and friends, especially, elderly

7 - Practice social distancing to prevent the possible spread

8 - Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds

9 - Care for yourself - you can spread unknowingly and you cannot care for others if you are sick

10 - Spread some love and positivity!!

*(FeedingAmerica, Meals on wheels, American Red Cross, food banks)